How to Colour Match Clothing


As any elegant gentleman knows, fabric and fit are the two cornerstones of any well-coordinated ensemble. Still, color is equally important, and especially how you coordinate and match the different shades in your appearance. If you've ever wondered how spectacular certain trendsetter outfits are, chances are they pay close attention to these three style areas.fashionbeautypalace

Likewise, your favorite brand or designer will adhere to some basic rules of color theory to produce harmonious collections. It's the same process that interior designers, artists, automakers, and almost every area of ​​product design follow.techgeeksblogger

Two main factors to consider when choosing outfit colors

The color wheel: to identify the differences and similarities between colors.

Color Harmony - How to combine two or more colors based on a variety of key formulas.

It sounds more complicated than it is. There are simple guidelines to follow and to play with. Read on to learn more about how we combine colors and methods to coordinate a consistent outfit.triotechdigital

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The color wheel

The natural order of colors is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. You may remember the school acronym ROY G BIV or Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. If you take this color wheel at face value, the most common theory suggests that you are matching the opposites. Blue with orange, for example, or green with red. But in reality, these pairings are likely to be too much. So you also need to consider hue, saturation, and lightness to create a cohesive palette.computertechreviews

color scheme - color wheel

Hue, saturation and lightness

Hue refers to the exact location of a color on the color wheel. For example, there are three varieties of orange located around the circumference of the color wheel; traveling counterclockwise, these lead to red; clockwise in yellow. A tint can be created by mixing a combination of the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue).gethealthandbeauty

Saturation refers to the intensity of each color (look at the orange triangle on the color wheel).

Brightness refers to the relative brightness of a color, from black (0% brightness) to white (100% brightness). This is not indicated on the color wheel.

Matching the colors is where it gets a bit tricky, but your overall goal is to constantly match the contrast. It sounds counterintuitive, but the contrast makes your outfit more interesting and the combination of colors in the correct palette creates cohesion. Think of it as creating a color "theme", if you like, optimized by varying the hue, saturation, and lightness levels of each color in the palette.


To keep a consistent palette, you would normally choose two different colors (sometimes one if it's monochrome, see below) from the three color properties (hue, saturation, or lightness), but keep the third property consistent.

Neutrals: black, white and gray

There are three main color rules that you need to follow (although there are more). However, we must first mention the neutrals: black, white and gray. Because they do not have a hue or saturation level, they are not technically considered colors. This means that they can be combined with any other color (or together) without altering the cohesion. The only exception is the brightness level of the gray, which can vary and should match the rest of your palette.

You can also pair two or all three of these neutrals together. Consider a layered open black oxford shirt over a white tee with dark gray jeans. Also, brown, beige, cream, beige, and khaki are considered versions of neutrals, although they are colors in their own right. And the navy, being extremely harmless and ubiquitous, can also function as "neutral."

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1. Monochrome

Color Matching

Colors in a monochrome palette are only one hue, but vary in brightness and saturation. Take a look at the two monochrome Todd Snyder examples above. On the left, a completely blue box with slightly varying levels of saturation and brightness, May